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Princess Anne Little League

Princess Anne Little League

Coaches Guide

Princess Anne Little League Manager Expectations

Rules for managers and coaches consist both of Little League Regulations and local league rules.

  1. As part of Little League’s Child Protection Program, local leagues must conduct background checks on all volunteers and hired workers who provide regular service to the league and/or have repetitive access to, or contact with, players or teams.
  2. Individuals selected to be managers and coaches are expected and required to commit their efforts to PALL. 
  3. Violations of conduct will require an appearance before the Disciplinary Committee, which consists of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Vice President of Baseball or Softball, respective Player Agent, and an impartial board member, for review and recommend any action deemed appropriate for approval by the Board of Directors.  If any manager, coach, or player is ejected from a game by an umpire or league official he/she must also sit out the next game.  They must appear in front of the Disciplinary Committee prior to participation in any PALL function. Any player that appears in front of a Disciplinary Committee could lose their All-Star eligibility at The Board of Director’s discretion.  Any player that appears in front of a Disciplinary Committee twice in one season will automatically lose their All-Star eligibility.
  4. When a Manager, Coach, or Player is ejected from a game, they shall leave the complex immediately and take no further part in that game.  They may not sit in the stands and may not be recalled.  Any manager, coach, or player ejected from a game is suspended for his or her next physically played game and may not be in attendance at the game site from which they are suspended.
  5. Disciplinary Committees will be convened as soon as possible at the convenience of the Committee.  Disciplinary Committees may be convened with the player or coach in absentia if notification of the Disciplinary Committee was made either verbally or in writing; or reasonable effort was exhausted.   All attempts to bring in witnesses and written reports to provide an accurate representation of the events will be made. 
  6. During tournaments or any similar time when a physical meeting of the Disciplinary Committee would be an undue burden or impractical; an electronic meeting may be executed by email or phone conference.   This meeting must be approved by the President or his representative.  It will be facilitated by the Vice President of Baseball/Softball.   The recommendation with sufficient background information will be provided to the President for approval and forwarding as a motion by email to the BOD for an email vote.
  7. Managers, coaches, players, and umpires will make no derogatory statements or gestures.
  8. A team representative from each team is expected to attend each monthly general membership league meeting held the 4th Wednesday of each month.
  9. If a manager or coach finds they can’t devote ample time to the team, they are obligated to notify the respective Player Agent so that a replacement can be found.  Ample time is defined below.  Eligibility for consideration as an All Star manager or coach is contingent upon becoming a league member, supporting their Bingo Team, and attendance at general membership meetings; as well as any criteria required by Little League rules.
  10. Managers should hold at least two (2) organized and scheduled practices per week prior to season start.  It is recommended that at least one (1) practice, in addition to games, be conducted per week during the season.  Copy of practice schedule will be provided to the respective Vice President of Baseball/Softball, Safety Officer and Player Agent.  No manager, coach, or parent will come to any game, practice, or league event, under the influence of alcohol.  Tobacco products will only be allowed in the parking lot.  Managers and coaches, including parent volunteers, will not leave the field or dugout during a game to use tobacco products (this includes vaping and electric cigarettes) nor will they be used during pre-or post-game organized interaction with a team, including practices
  11. The use of profanity is prohibited in or around any Little League activity.  Use of profanity on the playing field by a player is cause for ejection from the game.  Use of profanity on the playing field by a manager or coach is cause for ejection from the game and possible dismissal from the position.
  12. Managers and coaches are responsible for the conduct of their team and should exert influence over the parents and spectators concerning their conduct.  Parents, spectators, or players, making threats, gestures, or using abusive language toward umpires, other players, managers/coaches, or any league official shall not be tolerated.  Offenders will be asked to leave the league complex.  If they refuse, the game will be suspended and the Virginia Beach Police Department may be contacted.
  13. No glass containers are permitted in the dugouts or on the playing field.
  14. Managers and coaches of both teams are responsible for field preparation, and for policing the field, dugouts and bleacher area after each game.  This includes base placement/removal, and the proper reconditioning/raking of the home-plate area and pitcher’s mound.  Each team is responsible for cleaning up their side of the field, including the spectator areas, at the completion of each game. Coaches of teams who have the last game of the day are responsible for emptying/replacing the trash cans at their respective fields.  Parents are strongly encouraged to help.
  15. All teams are responsible for the cleanliness and maintenance of the mound and other dirt areas of their respective fields.
  16. Managers are responsible for ensuring that any pre-game off field warm-ups are conducted safely and due care is taken by all players to ensure any ball throwing or batting practice is done where there is no danger to non-participants, such as spectators of other games or people moving about the complex.  All pre-game warm-ups and drills must be conducted in the outfield area associated with that team’s dugout.  At no time will pre-game warm-ups be allowed on the infield with the following approved exception:
    • Time permitting, Minor Divisions and above all players will be removed from the fields 20 minutes prior to the scheduled start time the Visiting Team to conduct 10 minutes of infield/outfield warm-ups. 
    • At 10 minutes prior to the scheduled start of the game the Home team will be allowed 10 minutes of infield/outfield warm-ups. 
    • No other equipment or players will be allowed on the field during this time except for a supervised bullpen. 
  17. All male coaches or managers with a female player on their team shall have an adult female present at all games, practices and other functions dealing with Little League.
  18. First Aid Certification.  Little League International requires that one member of the coaching staff for EVERY Little League Team attend a Little League sanctioned first aid clinic. This is only valid for three years from the clinic date.  Mandatory Managers/Coaches Sports Injury First-Aid Clinic will be conducted by the League Safety Officer at a time and place to be determined.  All rostered managers must attend the First Aid Clinic. 
  19. Mandatory Managers/Coaches Clinic and organizational meeting will be held time and place to be determined.
  20. No player can use any electronic devices or cell phones in dugouts or on the fields during games.  All adult and players must wear appropriate athletic footwear.


Princess Anne Little League
4153 Dam Neck Rd 
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456

Email: [email protected]

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