Make sure you have these important dates on your calendars!
Monday, January 23 6:00-8:00
* In Person Registration at New Castle Elementary
Wednesday, February 1 6:30-8:00
* Registration will begin at 6:00. General Meeting will begin at 6:30.
Saturday, February 11 11:00-1:00
* In Person Registration at PALL Complex
4141 Dam Neck Road (across from New Castle Elem.)
Saturday, February 18 Time TBD
* Tryouts #1 Minor/Intermediate Baseball Divisions and Major Softball Division
Saturday, February 25 Time TBD
* Tryouts #2 Minor/Intermediate Baseball Divisions and Major Softball Division
Saturday, March 4-Sunday, March 5
* Dick's Weekend: Come to Dick's at Lynnhaven and shop! Discounts will be available.
Saturday, March 11 Time TBD
* Field Day
Saturday, March 18 Time TBD
* Field Day
Saturday, March 25
* Opening Day